Sunday, November 8, 2009

First Week

It is hard to believe that we have completed a week at the temple. This week all sessions were in Norwegian because there were two wards in the temple. Nancy went on five sessions and Chuck went on four. Chuck could understand a lot more than Nancy! We enjoyed a nice Sabbath day and are going to Bro and Sis Malstroms for dinner. It is a challenge to know what to fix for meals as their groceries are expensive and they carry very little Mexican food!! A head of lettuce is $5. We walked around an old Viking cemetery yesterday but we will go again and take some pictures. Things are going well! Thanks for your love and support. We have not seen the sun except for about 5 minutes today when we saw a slight shadow coming through the window during church. We are truly blessed to be here and we even had home teachers today!

1 comment:

  1. Dear Swedish Fish (my favorite candy & favorite missionaries!) How wonderful to read about your first week... it's inspiring to hear how quickly it begins. We miss you, but are excited about the people you will meet who will love you as much as we do. And bless their lives too. You both are in our prayers. I am in the new ward now; lots of good people, and I'm sure I'll get a calling right away. Tiff & Ryan send their love. At least our weather is like yours, well we see the sun a bit more. More updates to come. The Lord blesses our lives so abundantly. Love, Marcia W
