Monday, February 8, 2010

Week of 1st of February

Happy Birthday to Kris! To celebrate for birthday we tried out our new walking sticks and went walking through the Viking Burial grounds with Pres and Syster Evensen. It was a nice walk and was close to one hour.
This week we had a group of saints from Latvia here at the temple. There were about 15 of them and they were so excited to be at the temple. They try to come twice a year. They watch for good air fares and then come. They had training first thing on Monday morning and then had their own session. I was asked to be the Assistant on that session to see how things went and for any questions. I was the only one with a headset. I did listen in English as I felt it would be too hard listening in Swedish and hearing Latvian also. The jobless rate in Latvia is 22% so they struggle with enough finances to come. The American couples took a bowl of fruit down to the kitchen every night before they got home from the temple. It was nice to do and much appreciated by them.
We have now been in Sweden for three months. At our Swedish class tonight the sisters had to be prepared to say their testimony in Swedish. Mine was simple sentences but I got it finished.
Chuck had the Recommend Desk early shift on Thursday. When he got to the temple the gate was not opened so he went next door and got a key from Pres Oscarson. He unlocked the gate and the front door and also set off the alarm! Pres Oscarson forgot to tell him how to shut the alarm off!
The month of January did not get above 0 c. We were told that the last time that happened was 180 years ago. So all month it did not get above freezing. No wonder the snow does not melt!
Here is a picture of Syster Kristin Krus who tended Bryan when he was a little boy. She is a great sister and her husband is in the Bishopric.

1 comment:

  1. Not to make you homesick, but go to to see your tulips coming up. (Are they tulips?)
