Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Week of April 5th

We have spent this entire week in Copenhagen, Denmark. We were given permission to leave the temple district (our mission) to travel to Denmark to see Vera and Benny Jensen and Bettina, Benjamin and Isak Koford.
Chuck baptized Vera when he was a young missionary in Denmark. We traveled by train with the Söderquist’s who have a son, Brian, that lives there. The train ride was great and we got to see a lot of country, darling houses and farmland. We traveled through a tunnel that went under the ocean and over a bridge built over the ocean.
We did a lot of walking! We also did a lot of sightseeing, Palaces, churches, museums, and saw the Queen outside her Palace. Found several fun places to eat and many bakeries. It does not get any better!!
We stayed at the Admiral Hotel down on the harbor and not far from the Queen’s Palace. We were also only a block away from the famous Nyhavn Street. We did not get to see the Little Mermaid this time as she is at a World exhibit in Shanghai. BUT, we did find the ‘Kristina’ statue that was made by Dennis Smith (a missionary with Chuck).
The weather was beautiful and there were almost as many people on bikes as there were cars! They have big bike lanes to the side of every road and Chuck had to pull me on to the sidewalk a couple of times to keep me from being hit.
We did get to go to a session at the Temple in Copenhagen and it is beautiful.
We also attended church not too far from the temple. There were three people that knew Chuck from his mission either at the temple or at church. Plus, the sister at the Distribution Center knew Brent when he was on his mission.
We spent about 11 hours with Vera and Benny, and almost as long with Bettina (their daughter) and her family.
Vera is not in very good health and we are so grateful that we were allowed to come and visit them. It was very hard to say good bye to them.
We did enjoy some fun places to eat and they have every kind of eating place that we do in the USA. BUT, we did find a couple of places that fix traditional Danish meals and they were SO good! Can you guess what we had?
The pastries were so good that we bought some just before getting on the train to return to Sweden! It has been a week to remember.

1 comment:

  1. Nancy, today is your birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to a very special lady. Hope you have a wonderful birthday and many many more to come. What a wonderful addition you are to the mission. Wishing you good health and happiness.

    Love you forever,

    Bonnie Rae
