Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Week of May 31st

Happy Anniversary to us (44) and Stacie and Bryan (7)
President Oscarson has done a lot of research on the towns where my Swedish relatives came from and the churches where they were baptized (as a baby). On June 2nd we left our apartment at 7:00 AM and did not get home until Midnight. We traveled north about 3 ½ to 4 hours. First stop was in Svardsjö where we found the church where Eric Jansson Nyman (3rd g-grandfather) was on the parish record.
Next, we went to the community of Bengtsheden where I had 4 generations of my family live. Next was the Church in Sundborn where the people from Bengtsheden attended church: Eric Johan Ersson (4th g-grandfather), Eric Jansson (5th g-grandfather), Johan Olsson (6th g-grandfather) and more. Found the homestead of Anders Nyman (2nd g-g) and Sarah Carlsson Quarnstrom in Råstbery and our last stop was in Falun where we found the church that Bror Anders Nyman (1st g-g) was on the parish record.
It was a glorious trip and one filled with sweet feelings and emotions. So grateful for this opportunity to visit these places and feel of their spirits there.
We went to the home of Carl Larsson, a very famous Swedish artist and he was married to an artist named Karin. It was a very interesting little house with lots of little rooms and the tour guide was very enthusiastic in his presentation. Every apartment in the building has one of his painting hanging in it.
June 6th is Sweden’s National Day and we sang the Swedish National Song in church. It was also President Oscarson’s birthday and then on the 10th is President Syvänen’s birthday. So we had a birthday party with desert pot luck and it was wonderful. We had a great time. There was the Presidency and their wives and three of the American couples at this party. We left being very stuffed with sweets!
We enjoyed Skyping Brent and Kris on Sunday. We are so grateful for the modern miracle of Skype.
This week at the temple there was not a large visiting group so we worked together to do the ordinances. We had a mother and dad and their daughter, just off her mission in Romania, come. They are from Idaho Falls and she also had relatives from Sweden that they were going to try to find. We had to have two sessions at the same time because of so many patrons, wonderful! There was a family who came to have their deceased son baptized and one young man came and did the baptism for his father.
All these were sweet and tendermoments in the House of the Lord. We got our new temple recommends from our temple President.
Chuck finished reading the first book of the Work and the Glory and has started on the 2nd. I am now reading the first book.
Thanks for all your emails and cards for our Wedding Anniversary on the 3rd. It really adds to our work to receive emails, letters and cards. Thanks for your support.
Svardsjo Baptismal Font
Sundborn Church

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