Monday, January 3, 2011

Week of December 27th

We got two books for Christmas that we enjoyed reading. One book was Jeffrey Holland’s book “Shepherds Why the Jubilee.” The other one was Pres and Sister Walker’s book “A House of Learning.” It was so fun to read Walker’s book and relive all the memories and experiences they talked about. The temple is truly a house of learning and we love it.
During the week I tried to fix a breakfast of bacon and eggs but their bacon is just different. A pig is a pig but their bacon just does not taste as good here.
After having five days off from the temple it was wonderful to go back and constantly feel His peace and love during the day. Again, this week, we were few in numbers on our shifts but the patrons did come and the last session of 2010 had only three empty seats. In spite of the small number of workers we were able to do all ordinances. Over the past two weeks we have had a couple, plus the wife’s sister, here from Bolivia. They have come to the temple every day. On Wed they wanted to do baptisms but we did not have anyone available who could speak Spanish. However, a Brother Brown (from Houston, Texas but living in Norway for a year) came unexpectedly with two of his children to do baptisms. He could speak Spanish fluently and everyone was able to participate in the necessary ordinances. What a tender mercy from the Lord to know what was needed and to provide it.
We enjoyed New Years Eve at the Presidents home with all the people from America. We had dinner around 6:00. We had two kinds of soup, breads, crackers, cheeses, deviled eggs, chips, seven layer dip, homemade candy, veggies, and desserts. We did get plenty to eat!
We also played a few fun games and then we celebrated New Years on “Dubai time” (9:00p.m.) and blew our horns. We then talked for a little longer, cleaned up and came home about 10:30. We stayed up until midnight and watched all the fireworks out our windows. It was like the Stadium of Fire! It lasted for about a half an hour—so we would not have been able to sleep anyway! HAPPY NEW YEAR!
We watched the movie “The Ultimate Gift” that we received for Christmas. What a good family show. If you have not seen it, find it and watch it. Yes, I cried but it really has some good values in it.
Our new meeting schedule for church is 1:00-4:00. We have our Sacrament Meeting first and then another ward joins us for Sunday School, Priesthood, Relief Society, Young Women and Primary. The other ward has their Sacrament Meeting at the end of the block. There are only about 8 kids coming into Primary and not much more into YM and YW.
After church we were invited to Mats and Lotta Lundkvist’s for dinner. Chuck goes home teaching there and they have three talented children. All the children have been involved in Judo but the oldest (a daughter) goes to a lot of tournaments and is climbing in her ranks.
We enjoyed the evening and the dinner. Their two daughters go to a music school and really have nice voices. This school has grades 4 through 8 and you have to audition to get in. Their son goes to the local school here and is totally a normal boy!
As you can see we have not ventured out this week. It has been very cold and windy so it has not been inviting to go! We have enjoyed Skype and IM with some of the kids and found out that Zach and Ginet are being transferred to Virginia!! Zach will be going in March and Ginet will wait until the school year is over and go in June. We are so proud of Zach but this move is a long way from us (But much closer to his family).
As we start this new year of 2011 may we put Christ in the center of our lives, remember Him in all we do and be worthy of all the blessings that our Heavenly Father will pour out upon us. We love the Lord. We know the church is true and are so grateful to be able to serve in the Temple in Stockholm. Thanks for your love and support. Thanks for all the cards, emails and packages we received and may we work to make our New Year Resolutions come true. Love you all.

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