Monday, February 21, 2011

Week of February 14th

Happy Birthday Shannon!
For Valentine’s Day we took the train and went into Stockholm and met at Jensen Böfhus. There were 17 of us and we had a great time and good food. President and Sister Anderson (Sweden’s Mission President), their office couple, Bylund’s from the Young Adult Center, President and Sister Oscarson (Temple President), President and Sister Evensen, and the American Temple workers were there. We went in early and had lunch because the prices are about a third of what they are after 4:00pm. I forgot our camera and Sister Oscarson has not sent me copies of her pictures, so we have no pictures to send.
The guesthouse purchased a treadmill for the training room and we have been trying to work out from 5:30-6:30am a couple days a week. It is hard to get up but you do feel like you have accomplished a lot before you go to the temple. We still are working on our indexing goal of doing one batch a day plus we do our normal missionary mornings of prayers, scripture reading and breakfast before we go to the temple. We have been called to be the shift leaders for the month of March and that will keep us busy. We did pass our 16th month of mission service on February 19th so our mission is fast coming to a close.
This week has been a hard emotional week with the news of one of my best friends passing away. I will truly miss Carol Fisher and her happy positive attitude. She taught me a lot about trials of life and a positive way to look at them. Such an example I hope to never forget. Thanks for the extra emails and love sent to us from family and friends. And for your support of writing notes to the Fisher family, going to see Larry and attending the funeral. All the kindnesses have touched my heart and helped because I am so far away and could not do them myself.
We got some new snow this week and it has been really cold (-19C). But one night we saw the full moon and the snow looks like it had a million diamonds in it. I wish a camera could have captured this beautiful scene.
 We did get to the bigger grocery store, Maxi’s to resupply or food, and then went to dinner on Saturday with the Evensen’s. We went to eat at a new place and it was pretty good. I also got some more yarn to continue to make baby booties. I have been able to teach Sister Evensen and Sister Bylund how to make them and I have now finished 28 pair myself.
Our Swedish class this week was a travel show of the places we went during the temple shut down. Oscarson’s went to Paris, Lundgren’s went to Rome, Parker’s went to Dubai, Brother Pedersen went to visit relatives in Norway and we were also in Norway with Evensen’s.
It was so interesting to see the pictures and listen to the experiences they had at each of these places. BUT, we still had the most fun!
It is wonderful to be back serving the Lord in His House. I feel so much peace and receive so much strength to live the gospel of Jesus Christ when I am in the temple. They put some new carpeting down while it was closed and it looks very nice.
The temple has been busy this week and will even be busier this coming week. This past week the group came from Göteborg Stake and they joined with us so we had a large group of both workers and patrons.
Friday night was our wards night and it was nice to be in the temple with the ward members. Saturday we had double sessions at 10:00am and the baptistry was busy from 9:30 until 14:00. It is so wonderful to have the young people come to the temple. I worked in the laundry most of the time to help keep the baptismal clothes clean and folded.
There were three young adults from Kiev in the temple this week. They spoke English and were so excited to come to the Temple in Stockholm. Their airplane tickets were only $40 for a round trip so they came. They said the temple in Kiev is beautiful. It is in the same city that they live in but it takes about two hours for them to get there. The two sisters were both return missionaries. I got to serve them and it was a choice experience to do the temple work in English. It was a tender mercy to have them come.
I know we all have challenges in our lives but we know that we have a Father in Heaven that loves us very much and is always there to listen to our prayers and to help us. We thank you for your prayers in our behalf and have felt His, and your, love and support on our mission. We thank you for another week of your emails and letters and a package. We have really been grateful for the great invention of Skype to help during an emotional week. May we all strive a little harder to show Christ—like love in all we do and in all we say. Let us help the world be a better place. We love you so much and we are grateful to be your parents, grandparents, relatives and friends. God bless you this week and always.

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